Tuesday, March 20, 2012


          Little kids often want to grow up to become Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, or one of the superheroes that turns up when people need help, but as they grow older, they realize that they can't turn into heroes like them since they are ordinary people without any super powers. However, they don't realize that they still can become a hero to other people such as their family and friends. The difference is that the Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman kind of heroes are heroes that have super powers that tends to defeat the villains and save the world. In real life, things can be a lot different. Real-life heroes can be ordinary people like you and me. I might not be a hero to the world but I might be a hero to a first grader because of one simple thing I did such as teaching them how to tie their shoelaces. What makes a hero a hero in real-life and in the comic land is completely different. The super heroes in comics tends to be very brave, courageous, and smart but in real-life, not necessary. In real-life, a hero is someone who does something that contributes to the society or people around them.

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