What is the difference between justice and revenge? What do these two concepts have in common? What are some examples of each?
Justice and revenge is two very different words that describe different concepts but in a way, they are similar. Justice means the quality of being fair and reasonable and have just behavior or treatment. On the other hand, revenge means to take back on someone for what they have done. When you have justice, you are trying to be fair by taking a look at both sides of the argument. However, when you want to revenge, since someone harmed you so you want to harm them, you won't take time to consider why they did what they did. For example, you are walking down the street and you saw a group of children surrounding one poor and homeless looking dog, beating it up, if you are being fair, you would help the dog out but if you are being injustice, you would just leave the dog alone or you would also join the group of kids and start beating the dog up. On the other hand, justice and revenge can also be similar. Why would someone want to revenge? Well, it's nearly mostly because you have done something to them that had made them suffer. So, if they revenge, they are being justice in a more violent way. For example, April's uncle is used to drugs and one day, he made a stupid move by killing his own sister because when they are young, their parents always favor toward his sister's side. Well, April, who have done nothing to his uncle will feel like revenging for a lost mother especially when she have done nothing wrong. What April is searching is justice.